O economista e conselheiro do Conselho Regional de Economia do Distrito Federal (Corecon-DF), Newton Marques, representará o Brasil em debate econômico promovido pela emissora de televisão japonesa NHK. O evento acontecerá neste domingo (30 de agosto), às 11h, no Hotel Sofitel, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e terá transmissão ao vivo pela internet.
Economistas americanos, japoneses, chineses, franceses e brasileiros debaterão sobre o aperto da política monetária norte-americana (elevando a taxa básica de juros dos EUA) e as consequências para a economia global, especialmente para os países emergentes.
Por se tratar de uma programação internacional, o debate ocorrerá em inglês.
Mais informações pelo site: http://www.nhk.or.jp/wisdom/150830/theme_en.html
Abaixo algumas das perguntas que serão debatidas na programação.
- When will the US tighten their monetary?
- Has the US economy recovered enough to tighten their monetary?
- How will the US monetary tightening influence the global economy?
- Will the US monetary tightening bring confusion to the emerging economies?
- Should Japan continue monetary easing even after the US tightens?
- How do you think monetary easing effected the world?
- In the point of view from Brazil, What is happening on the global market?
- Is this related to the US economy which is going to raise the interest rate?
- What do you think about the Brazil economy is going down related to the US monetary policy tightening?
- What responsibility US has for the bad situation of Brazil economy?
- Do you think the US monetary easing was good or bad for the growth of Brazil economy.?
- Do you think that liquidity of capital in global market created by the monetary easing is creating the income inequality between rich and poor?
- What do you think we should do to stabilize the growth of the global economy?